Reflection coefficient to VSWR calculator | VSWR calculated from known value of the reflection coefficient |
VSWR to return loss calculator | Calculate the return loss from known value of the VSWR |
Return loss to VSWR calculator | Calculate the VSWR from the known value of return loss |
Mismatch loss calculator | Calculate the mismatch loss from the known value of the reflection coefficient |
Type A matching circuit calculator | Calculates the values |
Type B matching circuit calculator | Calculates the values of reactances for a type B matching network |
T type matching circuit calculator | Calculates the values of reactances for a type T matching network |
PI type matching circuit calculator | Calculates the values of reactances for a type PI matching network |
Series to parallel circuit conversion calculator | Convert series impedances into their parallel counterparts |
Parallel to series circuit conversion calculator | Convert parallel impedances into their series counterparts |
Combine parallel impedances calculator | Combine parallel impedances |
Finding one reactance from a parallel combination calculator | Given the equivalent parallel impedance extract one of the two impedances |
XC ( capacitive reactance), XL(inductive reactance) calculator | Calculate the capacitive and inductive reactance of capacitors and inductors |
Given XC and XL calculate L and C. | Calculate the value of the capacitor or inductor from the values of the capacitive and inductive reactance |
Cascade transmission line matching calculator | Find the parameters of a cascade transmission line for matching a source to a load |
Electrical length calculator | Calculate the electrical length of a line |
Matching complex impedances | Calculate the matching components for complex source and load impedances |
Quarterwave transformer matching calculator | Calculate the parameters of a quarterwave transformer line for matching |
Characteristic impedance of a low loss line calculator | Calculate the characteristic impedance of a low loss line |
Characteristic impedance of a line on a PCB calculator | Calculate the characteristic impedance of a transmission line on a printed circuit board |
Propagation constant alpha and beta calculator | Calculate the attenuation and phase of the propagation constant of a transmission line |
Propagation constant for an ideal line calculator | Calculate the propagation constant of an ideal line |
Phase velocity calculator | Calculate the phase velocity on a transmission line |
Fractional wavelength calculator | Calculate the fractional wavelength of the signal on a transmission line |
Input impedance of an ideal line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of an ideal line |
Input impedance of a general line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of a general line |
Input impedance of an ideal shorted line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of an ideal shorted line |
Input impedance of a shorted general line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of a shorted general line |
Input impedance of a shorted low loss line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of a shorted low loss line |
Input impedance of an open ideal line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of an open ideal line |
Input impedance of an open general line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of an open general line |
Input impedance of an open low loss line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of an open low loss line |
Input impedance of a quarterwave ideal line | Calculate the input impedance of a quarter wave ideal line |
Input impedance of a quarterwave general line | Calculate the input impedance of a quarter wave general line |
Input impedance of a quarterwave low loss line | Calculate the input impedance of a quarter wave low loss line |
Input impedance of an ideal halfwave line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of an ideal half wave line |
Input impedance of a halfwave general line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of a half wave general line |
Input impedance of a halfwave low loss line calculator | Calculate the input impedance of a half wave low loss line |
Voltage at point x on an ideal line. | Calculate the voltages at any point x on an ideal line |
Voltage at a point x on a general line | Calculate the voltage at any point x on a general line |
Current at a point x on an ideal line | Calculate the current flowing through any point x on an ideal line |
Current at a point x on a general line | Calculate the current flowing throgh any point x on a general line |
Microstrip inductance calculator | Calculate the inductance of microstrip on PCB |
Microstrip characteristic impedance calculator | Calculate the characteristic impedance of a microstrip |
Microstrip on PCB characteristic impedance calculator | Calculate the characteristic impedance of microstrip on a printed circuit board. |
Microstrip gap capacitance calculator | Calculate the capacitances of a microstrip gap |
dBm to volts(rms) calculator | Convert dBm to volts ( rms) |
Volts( rms) to dBm calculator | Convert volts( rms) to dBm |
AppCAD calculators for microwave design | Link to AppCAD calculating |
Smith Chart software | Description and link to smith |
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