JavaScript as an aid to analog and RFMW design and development

We have been using C++/Windows for a long time for writing CAD tools as an adjunct to various industry standard tools. The types of areas we used it was for analog and RF/MW design and products. This process served admirably for a long time and gave us many advantages. Lately it seems we have started replacing some of the programs by applications written in JavaScript that seems to be faster to develop and provides, if not the same functionality or usability as C++ /C Windows etc but close to it. It seems we are writing more and more calculators in it for instance. For more info on this or other ideas please visit the Signal Processing Group Inc. website.

Use Signal Processing Group Inc., for analog and RF/wireless ASICs and modules.

LTSPICE and rms value calculations

LTSPICE is a wonderful CAD tool developed by Linear technology ( now Analog Devices Inc) that can be accessed from Analog for simulation. It is a very professional CAD tool with many controls. One of these is the calculation of rms values of a waveform ( cntrl>left click). However, we found that the user needs to beware. LTSPICE can give you erroneous results, not because it is not working correhttp://www.signalpro.bizctly but because of the way it calculates rms values. Make sure that you do the hand calculations before using this feature. Please visit the SPG website with more info on other topics of interest.

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